Dr. Solst presenting at CABTRAC
Shane Presenting

2023 International Congress for Radiation Research

On August 27-30th, the 17th annual International Congress for Radiation Research (ICRR) was held in Montréal, Canada. This year, the conference was combined with the 69th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society (RRS). This international Congress enabled scientists in the diverse radiation science disciplines to discuss and showcase their findings, while promoting the interdisciplinary nature of radiation research. Dr. Shane Solst of the Howard Lab presented his research during an interactive poster session.

Dr. Shane Solst next to his poster at ICRR
Dr. Andrean Simons-Burnett (middle) Dr. Prabhat Goswami (left), and Dr. Shane Solst (right) representing the University of Iowa Free Radical and Radiation Biology Program at ICRR

Koffi joins the lab!

Koffi , the newest member of the Howard Lab, is an ICARE Fellow here at UIowa. The ICARE (Iowa Cancer Research Experience) Program, hosted by Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center, is a post-baccalaureate program that encourages institutions to diversify their student and faculty populations. 

Welcome to the lab, Koffi!


American Association of Physicists in Medicine

Dr. Michelle Howard gave a podium talk at the AAPM meeting in Houston, Texas. 


Summer Undergraduate Research Conference

Claire and Sarah presented their work at the summer undergraduate research program to end their time as BSURP and SUMR students!

claire poster


sarah poster
